Thursday 15 March 2012

so much dumb :p

like the new picture? mom took it after sprucing up the blue in my hair a little.
this week has been so long and horrible. i feel like i barely even had time to pee yesterday! i had to get up super early and head to the clinic to have yet another stupid blood test, and it took so long i was almost late for class. then i got to class and the teacher gave me this huge stinkeye and made me stay after class until i got a chance to show her my doctor's note. she was super bitchy about it and then got mad because i responded to her bitchiness with...erm...snippiness. :p at least i didn't say any bad words this time.
anyway then i had gym. >>>>:( at least today people ignored me. that blonde skank from last week was sick or something so no-one was constantly asking me why i didn't shave my legs. we had basketball, which i usually like, but i was just so low energy i barely even bothered to move.
at lunch some jackass threw an empty juicebox at me as soon as i sat down with my food so i took my lunch back to my locker and sat there until the idiot from my last post walked by, halle-fracking-lujah. he just stood there cackling and asking me who i was taking to the dance. i wanted to stand up and kick him in the nuts but i didn't bother. i just walked away. he ran after me for a little while and finally i just turned around and stared at him. that got him to shut up and walk away. it was kind of funny, because we stood there for a while, and i started to think that maybe he would hit me or something. but instead he turned around and he actually looked nervous! i almost laughed out loud.
anyway joke was on me because i ended up outside in the drizzle by the gym eating my sandwich and shivering.
after lunch i have math class which i hate more than pretty much anything ever, especially 'cause i'm in like "beginner" math or whatever it is - math for dumbasses like me, and for lazy dorks who just make fun of the teacher for an hour. i sit at the back with this cute goth chick who never says a word but seems to like me anyway because she used to sit on the other side of the room but switched and started sitting next to me as soon as i started school here. i kind of like how quiet she is compared to the other primates people in class so i haven't engaged her in any conversation yet. heh, "freaks of a feather".
got tons of homework, should stop writing.
i haven't been back to bible study yet but i'm going again for sure. this weekend i probably can't, i've got an appointment with dr. liz. :p

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